Hello everyone!
I've given you a couple of weeks off but the break is over and it's time you wasted precious minutes reading my witty and charming anecdotes! Okay, maybe those aren't the exact words used to describe my updates, but close. Right to business then: Here we are in England. Back in sunny Walsall (and by 'sunny' I mean 'British sunny' which is not sun at all but a forecast of haze and grays). But it is nice to be back and see all our friends. I've particularly missed my dearest friend, Mr. Cadbury Galaxy Chocolate and his lovely wife, Hazel (although she's a little nutty if you ask me).
As you are probably noticing by now, I'm not completely over the jet lag. I have to admit it hit me pretty hard this time. Yesterday Danny and I woke up at about 4am. My stomach was really growling, but Danny said we shouldn't eat until a reasonable breakfast hour. Party pooper. Anyway, we played card games until about 6:30 and then I made omelets. Then we went to bed at about 10:30 am yesterday morning, woke up at 3pm, I went back to bed around midnight, woke up at 7am, returned to bed just before noon and woke up at 5:30pm. I haven't exactly been very aggressive in kicking this jet lag thing.
Boy was it great to be home for summer! After 4 long months of moving from house to house, city to city, living out of a suitcase, it was sooooo nice to come back to Canada for 2 months, moving from house to house, city to city, living out of a suitcase. Yeah, we traveled right across from Vancouver to Toronto and everywhere in between. A week here a week there. The only place we didn't really see very much of was our place. We spent 5 nights in our own home, and for me, 3 of them were on the couch. Danny was really sick and being the caring, nurturing wife I am, I thought it best if I gave him privacy and space to recover (Translation: projectile vomit plus innocent bystander equals wife spewed on in sleep. Not thanks I'll pass). Anyway, my sensitivity and wisdom was just the right prescription. Danny's all better now!
In a nutshell, here's what we did over the past few months:
- Visited family in Vancouver
- Visited family and went to ACOP conference in Kelowna
- Visited family in Edmonton
- Went to camp
- Went to camp
- Visited family in Regina
- Went to a wedding in Hamilton (saw Niagara Falls, too. Super cool!)
- Visited family in Regina again
- Went to camp again
- Re-shingled our roof in Calgary (fun fun fun)
- Visited family in Edmonton again
- Got on airplane and flew to England And that was our holiday.
So, how has your summer been?
Okay, well I think that's all I really have for now, so I'll let you all go and get back to whatever it was that you were doing, or about to do, or should do but you don't want to do, which is making me a tool of laziness. Maybe I should go have a nap for a few hours. It is about that time.
I look forward to invading your inbox for another year!
God Bless, ~Alycia
P.S. - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz